Tuesday 11 October 2011

Study Distractions

Ok so studying is boring... SO I've started teaching myself to create Android apps through another of TheNewBoston's tutorials (Tutorial).
It is actually turning out to be easier than I thought it would be.
If I create anything worth publishing then I'll be sure to put it up here.

Friday 7 October 2011

Enrolement Update and some videos

So I went along to one of those information evenings the other day and found that I didn't need guaranteed entry for uni (140 pts for those who know what I'm on about) but still need UE (14 credits in 3 subjects), so not two worried about getting in now, I was also told by the person I was talking to that INFO courses were a great choice as a minor, so pleased I made that decision.  On top of this she seemed really surprised at my A+ in COMP102, saying she doesn't get to see many A+ grades.

On a different note I found a great video on YouTube that was quite interesting on where Technology is taking us so I thought I'd share it:

I also thought id share a great series of Java Tutorials by TheNewBoston which I have used to advance my understanding of java ready for next year (The link will take you to the playlist of all his tutorial videos)
